It is so interesting to me as I now look deeper into the detail of everything. Last spring I couldn't have told you what the hostas looked like when they first came out of the ground. I may have replied that they look like little sticks as I hurriedly run by. This year, I've found that they really resemble a raging fire, and that they are absolutely beautiful if you stop to look.
Today I knelt down in my flower bed in front of the house, and took a picture of the peonies coming out of the ground. I saw them a while back, but didn't realize how quickly they've formed their leaves and round buds for the gorgeous flowers that will be coming soon. Taking a photo, I still didn't see the little ants diligently working on their part in this whole symbiotic system that helps the buds to open. They were that small!
I think I can honestly say, photography has helped me look at the the details in not only our new spring growth, but it changes your mind. It changes how you look at everything. I am thankful to look at the world, God's amazing creation, with a little more detailed mindset and more appreciate the things I would have just flippantly passed by!
Day 120
ISO 200, f/1.8, ss 1/400, 50 mm