Where does everyone get their amazing logos? I'd love to have one made, but where are the best places to find one, or do you make your own?
I wanted to be Kara Leigh Photography. Doesn't that have a great ring to it? But imagine my horror as I looked it up and someone has it already! *extreme sad face* So what would you do? Since she's in another state, does it matter or would it be too confusing? Should I go with "Photos by Kara Leigh" sort of what I've been doing, or KL Photography? Any suggestions?
Please chime in! Thanks!
You mean the watermark on the pictures? I created my own in photoshop. Do you have that?
Yes, I have PSE7. I'm sure I could create something, I guess I just need to narrow down what I'm going to call myself. :) Plus a "logo" type thing. I like your flower, and other's birds..etc.
Bummer it is taken already. Personally, I would probably still use it if the person is in another state and you won't be moving there. People typically google their area for photographers. That is just my opinion though :O) Good luck! I look forward to seeing what you decide. Oh, a friend made my watermark. You can easily make them in PSE7 :O)
Don't you dare spend money on one. You can make it yourself in PS. Sooo easy!!
I like the name you have already, but kara leigh photography sounds great too!! Lots of small biz's have the same/similar names. Unless your going super big time, or having a website to cater to a web/internet audience, I wouldn't worry about it being the same! :D
When you figure out how to make one I hope you share the info! I'd like one as well. :) Bummer about the name but I agree unless you go big time or someone copyrights it you should be okay.
okay, thanks everyone! I guess I just don't know how to save it so it is always the same size or looks the same. I do love the Kara Leigh Photography, but ya never know, I might go "big time!" haha just kidding! So, I shall revert everything to that somehow.
If anyone sees a step by step tutorial (or wants to add one to their blogs..hint hint..) send me the link, ok?
It is actually pretty easy to save it as a brush! I'll see about getting a tutorial together and send it to you!
Ok...tutorial posted over on my blog on how to do it!
YOU ROCK AMANDA!!!! Big hugs to you! I'm going to check it out right now. :) Maybe by tomorrow, I'll look cute! :D
I like Photo's by Kara Leigh :-)
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